About Us

Coffee has played a major role in my family for several generations. You could even say it’s in my blood.

Long before I was born, my grandfather operated his very own coffee business in West Africa where he harvested and packaged all his products himself to sell locally. There on the farm, my father and uncle grew up working alongside to assist with the family business.

Although my grandfather passed away before I had the chance to meet him, his passion for coffee has lived on, and over the years, many members of the family have found our way back to the coffee business.

Last year, after retiring, my father decided to move back to Liberia and get back into the coffee business with the aim of rebuilding the farm and eventually growing, roasting, and selling his own coffee. Meanwhile, my sister decided to dedicate her education to the coffee business, travelling to Colombia to work and study the cultivation process at the Hacienda Venecia Coffee Farm in Manizales.

My own personal journey with coffee began in college where (as so many of us do) I regularly relied on coffee to get me to those early-morning classes on time and through countless late nights in the library. But even as I reached for whatever was cheap, fast, and convenient, I couldn’t help but wonder, where did this coffee come from? How did it get here? While I’d always had an appreciation for coffee, I realized there was so much more left to know, so much that went into even the simplest cup of coffee that was undeniably fascinating.

With that in mind, I set out to create a community for people like me - people whose interest in coffee went above and beyond grabbing whatever roast looked good at the grocery store, people who shared my fascination with how certain beans were cultivated and why certain blends came to be. Thus, Contra Brew was born.

What Sets Us Apart

Contra Brew’s subscription service is about more than simply sending out a new batch of coffee in the mail every four weeks.

We aim to educate and empower our members by giving them the opportunity to explore the world’s continents through the unique tasting experience we provide.

Each month, you’ll receive a new blend to enjoy handpicked by myself and my team, along with a thorough breakdown of that blend’s creation. From Sumatra to Vietnam and Papau New Guinea, Brazil to Costa Rica - these are just a handful of the countries we’ll explore each month as we discover different blends.